The East Coast of Florida is
host to some of the largest lobsters in the United States. Just ask anyone
that frequents these waters. Lobster hunting can be a challenge to
the novice diver, yet a ton of fun. Sea Dogs makes regular trips to the
reefs to hunt "bugs".
Check out David Earp's
popular and informative article on lobsters. It's has some of the best
information on lobsters and makes a good read. Recommended (and should be
required), reading for anyone planning to go bug hunting! Reprinted below with his permission. He posts on the
Spearboard and is a commercial fisherman. This article originally appeared
in Spearfishing Magazine.
Thanks David! Great Article.
Florida Lobsters 101
Dave Earp
Since the early nineties I
have been hunting lobsters pretty seriously in Southeast Florida. After
several years of catching lobsters, you could say I have developed a
pretty intimate relationship with them. Tom Matthews of the Florida Marine Research Institute has been
gracious enough to identify some of my rarer catches, as well as to
enlighten me regarding some lobster facts. One thing is for sure...the
more you learn about lobsters, the more you realize how much is still not
known about them. Tom’s work at FMRI makes it possible for all of us to
enjoy lobster hunting and ensures that we will be able to do so for many
years to come.
One of the more common questions
is...“Where do our lobsters come from?” This question may seem simple enough, but the facts are....over 25
years of intense research has been done on this topic, and we still
can’t be certain where the lobsters originated. For example, it is thought that thelobsters in South Florida come from the eggs of lobster from other
areas in the Caribbean. It's also theorized that South Florida larvae get
transported to other Caribbean locations by large circulation patterns
near the Sargasso Sea. In spring of 2000, I caught a Brazilian (or
Smoothtail Spiny) off of Boca Raton, Florida. This lobster is rarely caught in Florida and indicates larvae from
Brazil can get transported a long way from home.
Lobsters reach sexual
maturity in two to three years or when the carapace is just over three
inches. State law requires a carapace to be over 3 inches before taking,
thus allowing lobsters a chance to reproduce before harvesting. In theory,
along with a closed mating season, this should keep lobster populations
Lobster mating season begins in
the spring when the water temperature reaches near 74 degrees. Lobsters
during this time can be observed walking out of their holes during
daylight hours in search of a mate. Male lobsters can often be spotted
sparring for a lady’s affection and occasionally we see them actually
mating. Mating season generally ends in August, however, egg-bearing
females are common through October and can be found throughout the year.
Male lobsters can be
recognized be their proportionately larger legs and carapace. Males tend
to move around much more and are easier to catch than females. Females
have a proportionately larger tail and extra branching pinchers on the
bottom side of the tail or abdomen to hold the eggs once they are fertile.
A female fertilizes her eggs by rubbing the tar-spot (sperm that the male
has placed there during mating) on the underside of her carapace with her
hind legs and mixing the sperm with the eggs. In a few weeks the eggs take
on a dark orange color just before they hatch.

with “tar spot” on the left, male on the right
Fortunately, it appears that
lobster population in Florida is remaining stable for now. The Florida
Marine Research Institute has monitored the influx of pueruli (the
postlarval stage that moves from the open ocean habitat of the phyllosome
to the nearshore habitat juvenile lobsters) for the past 15 years.
However, there is concern that the increased level of lobstering
throughout the Caribbean could reduce the number of larvae ultimately
making it to Florida...making for interesting cross-border conservation
Most lobster hunters are
also concerned about migration these may determine whether
or not there will be a good season in their respective locales. At the
moment, this much is known about the migration of lobsters in deep water.
Tagged lobsters in the Keys have traveled both north and south; suggesting
lobsters walk in whatever direction they choose.It is known that after lobsters reach reproductive maturity they
move from the nursery habitats to more open water environments and then
move to avoid storms associated with cold fronts, or in advance of
The 1999 and 2000 Florida
lobster seasons on the East Coast were extraordinary. Statewide, 1995, 96,
97, and 99 were near record years, with over 7 million pounds of landings
each. 2001 by contrast was the worst year in modern history, with a mere 3
million pounds landed. 2001 appears to have been an isolated year as the
2002 catch is estimated to be between 5.5 and 6 million pounds, but the
FMRI has been unable to determine why the lobster population was so low
for the 2001 season. They are currently obtaining landings records from
around the Caribbean to see if it was a local Florida event or more
widespread. Perhaps the absence of lobster migration was due to a lack of
tropical systems and cold fronts that year…and will this winters
numerous cold fronts make next season another extraordinary year?
Another interesting
fact…lobster coloration can provide insight into the recent movement of
lobsters. Just like us, lobsters "are what they eat". Lobsters
predominantly eat small snails or clams, but these are covered in algae
that are incidentally eaten by the lobster, which in turn gives the
lobsters a color matching it’s habitat....Mother Nature at work! Green
algae is common in shallow water, and red alga dominates more in deeper
water. For the most part, shallow water lobsters have a greenish tint,
while deep water lobsters have a reddish tint, and the deeper the lobster
lives, the redder the tint.If
we take this to the next step, we can determine the recent movement of the
lobster. Finding a reddish lobsters in shallow would indicate lobsters are
moving in, or if we find greenish lobsters in deep water, that would
indicate a movement toward deeper water.As a general rule, we find lobsters moving deeper in late summer
and fall, perhaps to weather tropical systems and winter storms in deeper
water.In the springtime they
tend to move in shallower for the mating season.
the reddish lobster on left (deep water), greenish tint on right (shallow)
Besides the common Spiny
lobster, Florida is home to other species. A favorite of night divers is
the Spanish lobster. They are small, quick, and tasty. They are more
commonly seen at night, along the reefs when they come out to feed. There
is no season, size or bag limit on Spanish or shovelnose lobsters, and may
be taken as long as they are not egg-bearing.
We also have three varieties of
shovelnose (or slipper lobsters), the “Spanish Slipper”, the
“Ridged” recognized by its candy-cane striped legs, and the
“Sculptured” identified by its saw-tooth edges. Unlike the spiny, the
shovelnose does not have antennas, instead it has well-developed plates
around its head to dig through the sand to search for food. The Spanish
Slipper is most commonly seen, followed by the Ridged, which is relatively
rare, and rarest of all is the Sculptured.
Spanish Slipper
Lobster |
Shovelnose |
Shovelnose |
There are also two species of
clawed lobsters, the copper lobster and the long-armed spiny. Because of
their rarity, they are the most prized catch for the lobster hunter.
Copper Lobster |
Armed Spiny Lobster |
Of the Brazilian lobsters or
“Smoothtail Spiny”, a total of 9 were reportedly caught in Florida in
2000-2001, although the number actually caught is probably much higher
considering my dive buddy and I caught a total of four, and the FMRI
caught two themselves. These were the first reported since 1949 when
hundreds were caught off of the Southeast Florida coast.Could they be making a comeback here…or will they not be seen
again for another 50 years?
or Smoothtail Spiny Lobster
Now for the important stuff! What
is the best method to catch Florida lobsters? Again, we must understand a
little about lobster behavior. Lobsters have two long antennae under each
eye. These antennae are used to scare off predators. This is why you will
sometimes see a lobster come out of his hole; point his antennae straight
out and challenge you...I love it when this happens!Lobsters have two smaller antennae-like structures called
antennules that sense water movement.This means you should take your time, so as not to alarm the
The most common methods
are: the net and tickle stick, and the looper. Many years ago I had a dive buddy that invented a low-profile
lobster net, which we named after him, the “Harley Net”, available at
Force-E stores in South Florida. The narrow design allows you to get into
small crevices and moves less water not to spook the lobster. I’ll never
forget what my mentor, Andy, told me “Lobsters are like cattle, you can
herd them wherever you want, as long as you take your time.” I follow
that advice, and I have acquired a few other helpful tips. For one, I
always use an aluminum tickle stick...never plastic, as lobsters do not
respond as well to plastic. Tap or nudge the lobster from behind to move
him into position, and put the net over him, and he’s trapped! With a traditional wide lobster net you must tickle the lobster
completely out of the hole and into the stationary net, a more time
consuming and riskier technique.Measure
the carapace to make sure it is over 3 inches, check for eggs (by the way,
extra skittish lobsters often have eggs), then place in your catch bag,
and enjoy your dinner!
Happy hunting!
© David Earp